Promoting writing excellence for all students of America.
To give glory and honor to God by consistently modeling biblical principles in all our business dealings and relationships. To use all of the gifts and talents given to us generously and cheerfully so that others will see Christ through us.
The Write Bright writing curriculum has slowly evolved since 1997. As a fourth grade teacher required to instruct students for optimum performance on the FCAT standardized writing assessment, Nikki Swaine has worked to formulate a program that works. Rather than “telling students to write” this program “teaches them to write” through guided writing instruction.
In the past, teachers have only had training available to teach writing to students. Unlike other subjects, they haven’t been provided with a text or curriculum that has lessons already prepared to teach. Now they do. The Write Bright program is ready-to-teach lessons. Through these lessons student learn to write through powerful examples. Teachers are able to conduct a guided writing lesson by using a provided script. Each lesson follows a structured formula that ensures all necessary components of a good essay. Does this formulated sequence obstruct creativity? No, actually students are taught how to form creative ideas through techniques that teach them to “think outside the box.” They learn to use similes, large vocabulary, and dazzling descriptions through examples and provided tools.
The most effective way to execute this program is through the use of technology. Teachers have little time and need things to be easily assessable. This writing curriculum is only available online. It offers teachers everything they need to teach an effective writing lesson as well as prepare students for standardized writing assessments. The lessons are easily incorporated into the 6 traits of writing and align with benchmarks and standard goals.
This feature will provide video workshops, samples of video instruction in classrooms, research, as well as scripts to utilize as teachers are learning to execute the provided lessons through the “guided writing” approach. In addition, student videos are provided to assist in developing creativity and improving word choice.
Downloadable and projectable lessons for students to view during instruction. Instructors may choose from “source writing” or “prompt writing.” Each lesson provides powerful examples to model excellent writing for students as well as brainstorming suggestions to teach students to think “outside the box.” Each lesson is also available in video form with instruction by our writing coach.
Downloadable and projectable lessons for students to view during instruction. Instructors may choose from “source writing” or “prompt writing.” Each lesson provides powerful examples to model excellent writing for students as well as brainstorming suggestions to teach students to think “bigger and better.” Each lesson is also available in video form with instruction by our writing coach.
Sixty downloadable and projectable lessons for students to view during instruction. Instructors may choose from “source writing” or “prompt writing.” Each lesson provides powerful examples to model excellent writing for students as well as brainstorming suggestions to teach students to think “impressively.” Each lesson is also available in video form with instruction by our writing coach.
Research lessons guide students through the process of writing a research paper. Students are guided through prewriting, drafting, editing, and publishing phases. Lessons are also available in this section to meet requirements of the common core standards.
A variety of assessment tools to utilize for screening, progress monitoring, and outcome assessment.
This includes both student and teacher tools that stimulate creativity and higher levels of writing by teaching students to use similes, lead-in sentences, vivid descriptions, elaboration, a thesaurus, and more. It also includes wall charts, mini-plans, editing guides, scoring rubrics, plus!
Printable packet containing tools for each student to use during writing.
Name of Vendor: Swaine Learning Systems
Address: 1615 Indian Dr., Sebring, FL 33875Phone Number: 863-381-9203
Fax Number: 863-385-1646
Federal ID# 26-4372859
Years in Business under this Name: 11
Type of Organization: Corporation
If incorporated, what State: Florida
Date Incorporated:3-06-2009
Bondable: Yes
Type of Business: Retailer
Officers, Owners, or Authorized Agents:
Nikki Swaine President
Will Swaine Vice President
Contact concerning requests for bids, proposals, or contracts:
Phone Number: 863-381-9203
Email: [email protected]
Description of Primary Goods or Services provided: Write Bright writing curriculum online subscription service.
Nikki Swaine has taught elementary, middle, and high school level children in many different subject areas. She especially enjoys the years she has spent as a writing coach. Her main job in this position was to prepare students for the state writing assessment. She not only succeeded in helping test scores soar, but also transformed her students into amazing writers. Due to a scarcity of materials available for teachers in the area of writing, Nikki developed the Write Bright program. She wanted to provide teachers with lessons that were “ready-to-teach.” The Write Bright program strives to lighten teachers’ workloads.
The Write Bright program was piloted at an elementary school for four years. During this time changes were made and methods were improved to make the program effective for students and efficient for teachers. Because it is delivered over the Internet, Write Bright is able to add new tools and lessons to make jobs easier for teachers as they transform students into marvelous writers.
Nikki Swaine has a B.A. degree in elementary education from Stetson University and a Masters in educational leadership from University of South Florida. She is also qualified to teach kindergarten through high school reading through her reading and gifted endorsements, 6-12 English certified, and certified to teach 6-12 social sciences.
Write Bright is a division of Swaine Learning Systems. Nikki Swaine owns the rights to all original documents, lessons, and materials on the Write Bright website.
Copyright © 2009 - 2022 Swaine Learning Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.